Currency exchange rate has been considered as 1 USD, 82 INR.
The displayed tariffs are for some frequented sectors. If your required sector is not featured, please visit Request a Quote
All flights originate from Mumbai hence the fare is calculated ex-Mumbai and back.
A minimum of 2 hours of flying will be charged per day.
Availability is confirmed on receipt of 100% payment.
The indicated rate does not include:
GST at 18%
Ground Handling charges at each destination in India would be additional
International Flight Service charges (includes 'overflying clearances' and ground handling) are applicable additionally for the International sectors.
Any other charges / taxes levied by Regulatory authorities will be billed additionally.
The quote assumes:
that the runway conditions are suitable for the safe operations of the flight. The final feasibility will be confirmed closer to date.
that if 'a return trip' is asked for, the return is on the same day. Hence 'Night Halts' & 'Day Detention Charges' are not included.
that 'facility to fuel' the aircraft is available at all the destinations. The absence of suitable fuelling facility will entail additional flying to a suitable destination and will thus entail additional charges.
These timings have been calculated for 'Nil Wind' conditions and existing routes. Actual flight time shall depend on prevailing wind conditions and routing. The distances and block timings for return sectors are almost the same, with minor variations depending on routing.
For destinations having 'flying time' greater than 7½ hours; for the Falcon 2000LX - there would be a technical halt for re-fuelling. This would be on account of aircraft performance due to weight, altitude, temperature and range limitations which have not been accounted for in the displayed tariff.
The rates, terms and conditions are subject to change by Taj Air Limited without notice.